Top 7 Escape Rooms Facts That You Need to Know

Escape room games have already been popular for quite a while. However, there still are people who don’t know much about this amazing pastime. Basically, the escape room is a game that you play with a group of people (of sometimes even by yourself) in a real-life locked room full of puzzles.
The goal is to solve all the puzzles within the given time limits to unlock the room. All the rooms are themed, which means there is always some sort of scenario behind the puzzles. It is only a short description, though there are also many interesting facts about escape rooms. Escape games are really worth attention as they combine time-constrained adventure with actual knowledge and logic testing. That is definitely something fun and interesting at the same time.
Have you ever discussed escape rooms with your friends or acquaintances? Probably some of them know what’s that, but for others it might still be something completely new. To awake and maintain their interest in such a conversation we suggest you to look through these 7 fun facts about escape room games and use them if appropriate. At some point, they might come in handy for a discussion.
1. Brief history of escape room games
The concept of escape rooms first appeared in Japan, then it had quickly become popular all around the world. People were waiting for such and innovative activity that could be used for group entertainment combined with actual brain activity. First locked rooms to get out from were virtual, which means players had to solve puzzles online. Taking them to real-life rooms was just the next step, quite logical and successful. Challenges, problem-solving, competitiveness – all of it helped escape room games gain their popularity.
2. Teams, cooperation and communication
These elements are probably the most crucial for finding the way to unlock any escape room. You will hardly ever be able to take a credit for victory as it is always a team work. It starts with gathering a team which can have the minimum of two and maximum of six people. Depending on the room, it can be more fun to play with more or less people. However, the main point is that you can hardly make it alone. The main idea is to communicate and look for solutions together. If you win, celebrating together is more fun as well.
Also, you can play with people you know and those who are unfamiliar to you. Both options have their own advantages. Playing with friends or family is always great as you get to spend some quality time together and then have something to discuss for quite a while. Playing with stranger is also cool as it provides you with opportunity to not only find new friends, but also learn to cooperate with those players you’ve never met before. Such a skill can be truly useful in life.
3. Don’t forget about requesting clues if needed
Not everybody knows that in most escape room games there is a master whom you can ask for additional clues during the course of the game. It shouldn’t be something disappointing as the goal is to unlock the door, not to necessarily do it without any help, right? If you feel that one particular puzzle steals too much time from your team, don’t hesitate and let the master know. Usually there are walkie-talkies and webcams meant for these situations.
4. Themes are different, but all awesome
There are no pointless escape rooms, that’s for sure. Each one has its own theme, and all the puzzles and riddles are created around this theme as well as all the decorations, furniture and, of course, atmosphere. Here are the most common themes:
Post-apocalypse and finding anti-zombie vaccine
Bank robbery and running away from cops
Prison breaks and outsmarting the guard
Crime investigations and catching bandits on time
Space adventures and saving the planet
Actually, the designers of escape games often get really creative while inventing new rooms. More and more complicated and sometimes unbelievably sophisticated tricks are being suggested to players. So, you can definitely count on some amazing experience when you come to a new gaming venue.
5. It’s not a childish game: puzzles are tricky
This is one of the things to know about real-life escape rooms. Never count on easy victory; otherwise, you might be disappointed badly. There are many teams that don’t manage to get even close to unlocking that door. Though it’s never a tragedy, just a good reason for trying again. Work together, try your best, stay motivated and never be discouraged by any misfortunes. Kind of sounds like a life philosophy, isn’t it? Basically, escape games are really useful for people of any ages as everybody can use additionally developed critical thinking and detail noticing skills.
6. Escape games are often used for team building
Large companies often have their team building events in the escape rooms. HR specialists know that there are not many activities that help people find ways of working together better than competitive games. Having several teams competing who can unlock the door faster – amazing way to build stronger connections within the team of company employees. Firstly, after the game they will have something to discuss and maybe even find more common grounds. Secondly, these newly created teams might find more efficient ways of cooperation to later bring them to their offices.
7. The leader of escape games: Europe
There are three times more escape rooms in Europe comparing to America or Asia. It definitely proves the popularity of this pastime among Europeans. However, not only locals enjoy this activity, but also tourists. It often becomes one of the attractions in different cities. The idea of visiting new escape room during the traveling comes to more and more tourists. Join their party and you’ll always have something interesting to discuss with friends.
If you want to play escape room games in Calgary, we will be more than happy to welcome you in our rooms and provide you with amazing memories. Contact us to learn more escape room facts or schedule the game right away.