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What is the best exit game in the Edmonton?

16 december 2019 year
What is the best exit game in the Edmonton?

Edmonton, a city in Canada is famous for its history culture, natural resources, and numerous attraction point. But the most celebrated thing that it offers is – escapes games.

Edmonton has a very wide range of escape games where people can enjoy immersive escape rooms. However, as we know there can only be one 'best' among the 'best', so keeping that in mind here is some information on - the best escape game in Edmonton.

Escape Hour

First thing first, escape rooms have very distinct names like escape games, live escape, exit games, room escape, locker room, to name a few, but the concept remains the same. Escape Hour is inspired by escape-the-room style video games that is located in the City Centre Mall, Edmonton, Canada.

Here is the general concept of Escape Hour

  1. The participants ranging from 2-10 or more can participate in escape rooms and play as a team.
  2. The Escape Hour offers the participants with 3 forms of escape entertainment.
    • Original Escape
    • Battle
    • Action
  3. The location is set in frictional locations, basically these are the rooms. Escape Hour offers 3 Original escape rooms – Catch me if you can, The Matrix Theme and 5 Elements.
    1. Catch me if you can – If you love robbery, then this room will definitely amaze you. Open up the bank vault and escape the security.
    2. The Matrix Theme – Do you like to solve the high-tech puzzle games, try this room, it has incredible wow’ factors.
    3. 5 Elements - Also inspired by the movie, it has amazing tasks with outstanding and unexpected results.
  4. The game masters will provide the basic introduction and rules of each game in order to win.
  5. The game master will experience the tasks along with you through video camera and microphones in a fascinating way.